Life Events
New Job
What issues should I consider when starting a new job?
Buying A Home
What issues should I consider when buying a home?
Starting a Business
What issues should I consider when starting a business?
Job Loss Related Issues
What issues should I consider if I lose my job?
Refinancing Mortgage
What issues should I consider when thinking about a mortgage refinance?
Having A Child
What issues should I consider when having/adopting a child?
Job Promotion/Raise
What issues should I consider if I get a promotion or raise at work?
Sudden Wealth Event
What issues should I consider if I experience a sudden wealth event?
Getting Married
What issues should I consider when getting married?
Divorce-related Issues
What issues should I consider during my divorce?
Market Downturn
What issues should I consider in a recession or market correction?
529 Plan Distribution Rules
Is the distribution from my 529 plan taxable?
Where to Save
What accounts should I consider saving into?
Important Numbers
Quick reference and annual limits.
401(k) Rollover Considerations
Should I rollover my old 401(k) into an IRA?
Traditional IRA Contribution Rules
Can I make a deductible contribution into my Traditional IRA?
Roth vs. Traditional IRA Contribution
Should I contribute into my Roth IRA or my Traditional IRA?
Roth iRA Contribution Rules
Can I contribute to my Roth IRA?
Social Security
Will my Social Security benefit be reduced?
RMD Rules for INherited IRAs
Can I delay the Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) on my Inherited Traditional IRA?
Retirement Issues
What issues should I consider before I retire?
Social Security & Divorce
Am I eligible for Social Security if I’m divorced?
IRA Conversion Rules
Will my Roth IRA conversion be penalty-free?
ESPP Taxation Rules
Will I have to pay tax on my qualified Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP)?
Basis on Inherited Property
Will I receive a step-up in basis on my inherited property?
Tax Return Analysis (Employed)
As someone who is working, what issues should I consider when reviewing my tax return?
Basis on Gifted Property
Will I receive a step-up in basis on my gifted property?
Tax Return Analysis (Retiree)
As a retiree, what issues should I consider when reviewing my tax return?
Tax Impact on the sale of an investment
Will I have to pay tax on the sale of my investment?
QBI Deduction Rules
Am I eligible for a qualified business income deduction?
Estate Planning
Insurance & Healthcare
Health & Life Insurance
What issues should I consider when reviewing my health and life insurance policies?
Health insurance options with an early retirement
If I retire early, should I buy health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace?